Monday, July 23, 2012

What a week it's been... wisdom tooth pulled, birthday, transfer calls, the announcement of the Boise temple announce (November 18 if i remember right), transfers, been quite a week.
So I'm staying in Nampa. I'm happy about that, but not so happy about my companion. Name's Elder Fullmer from AZ. All I've heard is that he's weird and makes a lot of weird noises all the time. I don't know him, but I've not heard good things. Trying not to judge, but we'll see how it goes. But can you believe it's been 6 weeks already? Seems like just yesterday I was coming to Nampa... time is flying by.
So had my tooth pulled on Tuesday. It wasn't bad at all. Dentist said to take it easy for a bit, so the rest of Tuesday and Wednesday morning we didn't do anything. The pull was easy enough, took longer to numb it than it did to pull it. But it's weird having a hole in my mouth. I want to rub my tongue on that tooth like I used to, but there's no tooth there anymore, and I have to wash it out with a syringe at least every night. This hole ever gonna go away? It didn't hurt too bad. Tuesday and Wednesday I was taking pain pills every 3-4 hours (800 mg of ibuprofen then 1000 mg of Tylenol switching it up every time) then on Thursday up to now I've just been taking it when it hurts. But like I said, it's never hurt too much. Another cool thing, the dentist who pulled my tooth is cousins with Bro. Broberg.
My birthday was alright. We went back to Caldwell and hung out with some of my old friends there. The Dayleys fed us dinner and we played games with them for a while, then went to another family who wasn't there, so we just came home. The Wheelers (family we live with) had a birthday party for me on Saturday night, that was pretty fun. They got me a present too, a back shaver... thought that was pretty funny. Cake, Ice cream, games, it was a lot of fun. They announced the temple dedication on my birthday too, so that was a good birthday present. Thanks for the camera by the way. It'll be nice to be able to see what I'm taking a picture of. I don't know how my other one got like that, but I'm going to try not to let this one get like that.
Despite all that's happened this week, we've had a good week. We got 8 lessons this week, and would have been more but a couple people cancelled on us. We did just get a bunch of referrals today from church headquarters, and one of them has a baptism date already in mind, so we got some work going for us. I'm not too excited about my companion, but I love the area and am gonna work it hard. Having fun, we'll see about that one. It'll be good.
That's this week. Been a slower week with all the stuff that's been happening, but it's been good. We'll see what the next few bring...
Elder Blomquist

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