Monday, October 8, 2012

Boise Temple
Just a few days till the Boise Temple open house!!! I'm pretty stoked for that. It's been closed the whole time I've been here and I get to go through it! We're taking some investigators Saturday, so that's gonna be cool. It'll be open for about a month and they're expecting about 350,000 people or so to go through. Dedication is on the 18th of November.

Transfers are in a week, next Monday. I think I'm leaving. I've been here in Nampa 4 1/2  months now, I've almost spent my last year in 2 areas, 6 months in Caldwell then if I do stay here it'll be 6 months here. I'm kinda ready to leave though, ready to explore more of Idaho. I kinda hope I go to Boise or Meridian, I wanna get back on bike again.
Weather's starting to go down. It's about 30-40s in the mornings, then gets 60-70s during the day. I think we just had a cold front come in and it should warm up a bit again later.
General conference was amazing! It seems like they really just hit home being truly converted to Jesus Christ and taking His doctrine deeper into our hearts. There was a lot of good talks. Some of my favorites have been Elder Christofferson in priesthood session, Elder Bednar's Sunday afternoon, and one other I can't remember right of the top of my head. But they were all good talks. We had one of our investigators watching it with us Sunday morning, and I think they liked it. Haven't followed up with them about it yet, but should be doing that soon.
What did y'all think about the missionary age change? Overall, I think it's a good idea. I feel like I didn't grow up in that year from high school to mission, it woulda been nice to go right outta school. I don't know if I woulda been ready at 18, but I think it'll be a good thing for a lot of young men and women out there.
Last week of the transfer is always rough. Anxious for transfer calls, and it's hard to work. We're kinda stuck right now as to what to do. We've already visited a lot of the members in our wards and committed them to do missionary work, gotten referrals, etc, that now we've almost visited them all. We've been making a second run through them getting ready for the temple, but I still feel like there's something more we need to be doing. We could be out tracting, but that's so unproductive I feel it's not worth doing. I'm out of ideas. What do you think we could do, either to excite members to do missionary work or find more people to teach?
But the month of September we found an average of about 2 investigators a week, better than I've done almost the whole mission put together. But not many of them keep their appointments. We have about a dozen people to teach or so, and with families that makes about 8 investigator lessons possible in a week. But out of those 8 we usually only get 2 or 3. It's tough at times, there's a million reasons to cancel. Mostly it's either they forgot, are busy, family, or are a no-show. We've been trying to make plans to go visit them again throughout the week (just dropping by. It's amazing how much more we catch people at home when we aren't expected). If only more people listened to Elder Nelson's talk... "Ask the missionaries!"
well, will let ya know next week what happens with transfers. It's a time of high excitement. Suitcoat season is about to start, not too happy about that, but it is what it is. It's my last one!
Take Care!
Elder Blomquist

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