Monday, October 3, 2011

Leaving the MTC tomorrow

10-3-11 (there's your date = P )
So it's not P-day, but we're leaving the MTC tomorrow and they said we could email. I'll be able to call home tomorrow (probably early in the morning. We report to the travel office at 5 am, so my guess is we'll be around the airport sometime around 6 or so, so if the phone rings that early [I know it'll be 5 a.m., but I'm calling anyway] it's me from the airport).
This has been the worst week I've been here. It all started Wednesday; I got sick. Wednesday I had a slight cold, runny nose, itchy watery eyes, that sort of stuff. Thursday it hit bad. I had what I had Wednesday, but also this massive headache that hurt like no other. I couldn't focus on anything it hurt so bad. Luckily Elder Ryan Nadybal (from SS5) lives next door to me and was able to give me a blessing. I could've had my companions do it, but I wanted him to. Immediately after he gave me the blessing the headache went away. It was amazing to see how that worked. I still had the cold symptoms, but my head didn't hurt at all and I was actually able to function and sleep again. Had a doctor apt. the next day and he had some concerns. He said there was definitely stuff in my lungs (been coughing stuff up and my chest was hurting when I coughed) and he was also concerned that my head had been hurting (it hurt in my eyes and sinuses). He gave me some good stuff. The meds he gave me have been really working. The cold has gone away and I can actually breath again, and I'm not hurting at all anymore, but I'm still coughing things up. At least I don't hurt anymore though, that's the best part.
Got into a little argument with one of my companions yesterday; not proud of that. I lost my ministerial certificate, was trying to go to conference (half hour early), and he was treating it like a joke. He's 21 and really immature for his age. Sometimes I kinda feel like I'm the only one in my district really trying to take this seriously. We're down to our last few days and I think people have senioritis big time. It's really hard to stay focused and on top of things when no one else is. I just snapped. I got angry with him and brought the spirit of contention, it hurt me the rest of the day. I didn't feel as in tune with the spirit as I have been, and I felt really awful. How do I work with people who don't take it as serious as I do?
Conference was amazing. I got like, 12 pages of notes. It was interesting to see the difference between just watching it vs watching with a purpose. I was listening as a missionary, not just a member and it was amazing to see the difference in what I got out of it. 
That's pretty much been my week, nothing too exciting. I'm really looking forward to going out into the field tomorrow. I feel like I'm ready. They've taught me all they can here in the MTC, and I felt like I've learned enough to go out now. I am so excited. It's time to start the real deal. I am nervous though. It's real life with real people now. But there have been some things that have helped. I am excited to go out and serve.
Hope everything's going ok at home. Start writing to the mission office if you haven't already done so. Write to me. even if you have nothing to say, I just love hearing how everyone is doing and what you're up to. I love letters.
Elder Blomquist

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