Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The MTC is Amazing

Hey guys,

How's everyone doing? My P-day is on Tuesday, so that's when you'll get emails from me. I sent a letter home last Wednesday, not sure if you got it yet, but I’ll just tell everything.

The MTC is so amazing. I just love it. The Spirit is so strong here and there's just so much I’ve learned. I’ve seen a lot of miracles in the week I’ve been here.

Saturday was by far the worst day so far. I had companion troubles up to that point and I was struggling. Missionary work really is hard; something I’ve never really grasped before. All last week I was praying for help with one of my companions (I’m in a trio), and Saturday night when I was at my worst he came to me and asked if I had any problems with him. We talked it over and we were able to come to a resolution that has made everything better.

On Sunday we had a MTC devotional. It was absolutely amazing. I don’t really remember who was speaking (although I think it was Bro. and Sis. Wilkins, a district presidency here), and I don’t really remember specifics of what they said, but I remember the Spirit that I felt and a few things that pertained to me. They talked about missionary work, and how we need to be willing to do hard things, and to look as problems as opportunities rather than problems. It really was inspirational for me and something that I think I needed to hear. It was just a wonderful amazing experience.

Monday was another amazing day. We’re already teaching investigators (although they're just our teachers role playing people from their mission; I’m treating it real). I had struggled in the previous lesson cuz I was too shy and quiet to really say anything, so I prayed and asked for a miracle. I wanted to be able to open my mouth and speak with the voice of angels. I prayed "according to the faith which is in me, let me open my mouth and speak with the voice of angels" with all confidence that God would answer my prayer. We get to the lesson, and right away I know what it is I need to say. Like it says in the bible, in the very hour it shall be given you what ye shall say. I really feel that my prayer was answered. Within the first few minutes of the lesson, I felt the Spirit so strong, and I almost got the investigator to cry, I almost started crying, and the Spirit was just so strong there. We committed him to read the Book of Mormon and to pray to know if it's true, and when he gets that confirmation (he said if, but if he does it I know he will receive it) that he would be baptized. After the lesson we were walking back the classroom and I had to sit down. I was so happy and so filled with the Spirit that I was literally shaking. I was afraid I would fall over. I felt almost like Ammon who completely lost his strength from the joy he felt. I felt that spirit to a degree, although I didn’t collapse, I almost did.

I love it here in the MTC. It is a wonderful place. The food is good, the people are nice, and I just love my district. There’s 10 other guys going to Boise, and I love every singles one of them. We really have built a sense of camaraderie here between us all that bring us all together. One of our members is having a hard time and having a lot of stress and anxiety to such a high degree that the MTC just doesn’t have the means to help him. He’s having a hard time distinguishing between what's reality and what's not. He was also talking suicide. He almost went home, but his family said he can’t come back (because of financial reasons). It really made our whole district sad to think of him leaving. Last night we had a district prayer and just prayed that he would be ok. Not sure if he is gonna be going home or not, but we just prayed that he would be ok no matter where this problem took him. It takes a lot to make me cry, but I shed tears for him. It really made me sad to see one of our brothers go home. He’s still here, but we'll see what happens with him. Either way, I wish him the best.

I can testify that God does answer prayers; He's already answered a bunch of mine here. I’m learning so much, and I know what I’m teaching is the truth. Missionary work is hard, and I don’t think that's something I really grasped or understood before. It so much more than what I thought it would be. I love it thought. It really is a blessing.

Well, almost out of time (only 30 minutes on the computer), so I better close. Hope everyone's doing okay. And thanks for the letters, missionaries really do love letters. Oh, and give me Pop's address. I don’t have his and want to write him. Also, I need my tennis shoes sent to me. Luckily someone in my district has a spare pair of shoes I can use till you send mine, but I need mine ASAP. The ones he lent are about a size too small, so it kinda hurts my feet. Save me! Send my shoes!
There should be a letter arriving any day if it hasn’t already. Just check the mail

Love you guys!
Elder Blomquist

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