This has been an interesting week. Elder Downey, our 3rd wheel for the week was sick almost all week. We were house-ridden from Monday-Friday. I had cabin fever big time. The days went slow but the week went fast. But even so, it was a pretty good week. There was a family we met in Weiser, and they were pretty cool. They're pretty devout catholics, but we had a good lesson. Pretty much all we did was talk about them and their doctrines. I learned a lot about the catholics that I didn't know before, it was really interesting. Most of it didn't make sense. They believe in the bible as scripture, but they said they're not an "una scriptura" or something like that church. From what I understood of it, the Pope and bishops interpret the scriptures. The scriptures are the word of God, but the church leaders say what they mean. It makes me wonder what's the point of reading the scriptures at all then. The pope says what it means, so why do we need to read it and know? It just didn't make sense to me at all. But it was really interesting to see all the similarities a well as the differences.
I'm kinda glad to be away from Elder Martinez. I like him a lot, he's a really good guy, but it was hard to work with him. And over these last 2 weeks he's changed so much from when we started (especially this last week with Elder Downey). He reminds me a lot like Kevin, he'll take a joke and stretch it till it's not funny anymore. He just got annoying. He never really wanted to work in the first place, but it was even more difficult to work with him this past week. I never spent too much time with Elder Witbeck, but I heard he's socially awkward at times, but I like him. Should be a good transfer.
Think that's all I can think of for this week. Spent most of it inside, but that's alright. Excited for the new transfer, should be a time to really turn the area and myself around.
Take care everyone!
Elder Blomquist
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