16 months today! Can you believe it's been that long? Seems like a blink of an eye.
Payette is gonna be a struggle, my biggest yet I think. The elders before me didn't take care of this area very well. All our records were trashed, I don't know who our investigators are, I have a companion who's only got 3 months left and doesn't care much anymore, it's a struggle. I feel like my mind has been shutting down lately. For the past 13 months I've been the driving force behind the companionship. It's be me to say "let's work" and where to go, even when my comp has been in the are longer than me. I'm getting tired of it and don't know what to do.
But the area's alright. It's small, but that's kinda a nice change at the moment. I don't wanna stay though. This has been a hard week on me mentally, and I'm ready for another change. We haven't really done much since my companion is ready to be done, but there's some good people out here.
I don't know what else... Things have just been hard and I'm ready for a break. Hope everything is going good for y'all.
Elder Blomquist
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