Happy birthday Alex! I know it's tomorrow, but I wont be able to tell ya then. Tomorrow is also a special day for me, my 11 month mark. Can you believe it's been that long? 13 more to go, almost halfway done. This time next month I'll be burning my shirt.
Been another good week I think. We had 21 lessons. I think about 15-16 were to active members trying to get them to do missionary work, but we're working and hopefully something happens out of it. It gets frustrating at times, we teach these good lessons, but most of the time I don't think they really take to our message. I know the spirit is present in the lessons, I feel it strong when we teach, but they don't generally act on it. What can we do to get the members more excited for missionary work? We've lost a lot of investigators over the past 2 weeks, dropped a lot and baptized others, so we're down investigators right now. What can we do to help motivate people?
2 big things happened this week. 1st was a baptism. I've talked about her before, but Dana got baptized. It was a good service (as all baptisms are). Everything went smooth, except the musical number I did. Sis Wheeler and I played guitar, she played the chords and I picked the melody. We did good for the most part, but we both messed up once or twice. My hands were shaking, I could feel them shake and I had to account for that as I was placing my fingers on the neck of the guitar. But it turned out good overall. Was confirmed the next day and is still progressing in the gospel at a good rate. She feels different than before, she said she was happy all day yesterday (day she got confirmed) and recognized when it left her. She's on a good path, I'm excited for her.
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Elder Bell, Adam (baptized Dana), Dana, Elder Blomquist |
Got another investigator that has some exciting news. We're going to a wedding on Thursday. He has to get interviewed by Mission President, but he's ready to take those steps. He was hesitant for one reason or another, but in thinking things through he decided to just move forward and do it. He's been ready for a while, there was just something holding him back. He finally got over those hurdles and is moving towards it. Gonna meet with mission president at the end of the month and we'll be able to set a date with him after that. But he invited us to the marriage on Thursday, excited for that.
I don't know what else there is. We've just been visiting a lot of members, getting to know the people, and find some more work to do. But it's been fun, I have a lot of fun with Elder Fullmer. He's a little different, but I can deal with it. We have fun, and it works for us.
So those goal things start next week? I'm actually pretty excited for that. Those are 3 things I've struggled with all 11 months (well, probably closer to 9 or 10, I was pretty good at the beginning of the mission), but now I actually have more of a goal to do it more than just to be obedient. That's a good goal in itself, but I never really got motivated enough to do it. But I've been doing better already, so I'm striving for 21 points a week.
Take care y'all
Elder Blomquist
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