Red comments are my comments/clarification on things he said in his letter.
December already... crazy.
We’ve had some pretty cool experiences this week. My 1st interview w/ President and some new investigators. Nothing special about the interview, but the new investigator was something else.
We rode past a house and Elder Crosby felt we needed to go and knock on the door. We did and she wasn’t interested. But apparently we looked cold and so she invited us in. We made small talk for about 20 minutes or so and then tried to make it a gospel discussion. We asked her if she went to church on a regular basis and she said she hadn’t. She couldn’t find the right church, all the preachers preached different things and how she thought some were amazing speakers and others she couldn’t stand. We tied that in to Joseph Smith and taught the restoration. It looked like she was just soaking it up. After we taught about the Book of Mormon she said “I know it's true." We thought she was talking about the bible and asked her about it. She said "the Book of Mormon. I know it's true." We gave her a copy and left her 3 chapters to read, and by the time we sat down she was already halfway through the 1st chapter. We’re seeing her again tonight, I’m excited for it.
The work's going well. We’re teaching a guy who's less active and he actually invited us to dinner on Friday and wants us to share a message. He drove us home and we talked about his family and some of the expectations he has in meeting with us, and we got some good info about him and his family. He says that we showed up at a good time in their life and good things are happening to his family. They met them before I got here and challenged them to pray as a family, and they've been doing that and can tell a difference in their lives. He’s less active and the mom and 5 kids aren’t members. It’d be cool to see him get reactivated and have his family join the church. That would be cool. They’re an awesome family.
so my typing drives mom nuts huh?? lol... well, i guess i dont really see the need to be grammatically correct or capitalize everything when im typing. in my letters i still do all that, jsut not in email = P . I left this part the exact way he typed it so you all see why it drives me crazy. I just fix capital letters- not grammar.
I can’t believe I forgot about Taylor’s birthday!!! I remembered like on the 20th. Happy birthday Taylor!!! Was gonna say something about it last week, but forget then too = P
I like Meridian. I really don’t think I would mind living here someday. It’s pretty cold though. The weather's taken a turn for the worse. Today has a high of 32 at noon and 21 at 6. It’s cold... but in a car vs. a bike, I think it wouldn’t be bad. It’s getting colder though... I just bought me some better gloves, so I think I’m doing alright for now though.
I forgot my camera today, or I would have pictures. I’ll try better to have them next week. I know how to do it; I just don’t have my camera today. Every week he seems to forget his camera and hasn't sent pictures home.
Glad to hear everything's good w/ the roof. Hope everything else is going good as well.
Elder Blomquist
P.S. ok Alex, I gotta know... is it cuz of a boy that you've been so busy or are you just pulling my leg? I read that part of your letter and freaked out (not in a bad way though). If I don’t get a letter this week from you, you'll never hear the end of it from me till I do get one. You have no idea how much I’ve been freaking out over this! Alex wrote him (finally) and asked would he believe that the reason she hasn't written was that she was too busy with a boy. Of course there is no boy (yet) but she just wanted to tease him.
New e-mail received 5 minutes later.
And another thing... we can skype on Christmas!!! Do you have skype capabilities? We need to start working out the details pretty soon. Not sure what we're doing on Christmas yet, but I'm sure we'll just be chilling w/ memebrs, just not sure who though.
Another e-mailed received another 5 minutes later.
And about buying me a bike, I just got a call from the office today and they told me they have a lot of bikes in storage, so I can look through them and decide if one of those would work fine. I'll keep you updated if I need one, but I'm sure I'll be able to find something.
And one more.
I just can't say enough... I keep forgetting things...
I was sick on Saturday. I wasn't able to keep food down almost all day. Almost the whole time I've been out I've not felt the best. Most days I'm ok, but there have been days I've felt pretty bad.
Just so you know, I agree about Ricky's "ignorant" grammar. ;)