Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Made it to the MTC

Any comments in red are Mom and Dad's explainations or clarifications.
Hey Guys!

So I made it to the MTC safe and sound (we dropped him off at the Burbank Airport and had one of his best friends and his mom pick him up and take him instead of taking him to the MTC ourselves), and I love it here. But it has only been one day.  We'll see if that changes. The estimated departure date is October 4th, so it should be around 3 weeks that I'm here.

The Spirit is so strong here. I just love it. I think I need to work on acting on my promptings though. We did a role play with investigators (not sure if they were members of real investigators, but it doesn't matter), and I kind of felt like I should have said something, but I kept quiet.  Later, the things I was thinking ended up seeming like key factors for that investigator. I think I thought of it first, and was just to shy too say anything. We were in a group of around 30 or so missionaries.

My companionship is a trio. I have Elder Smith and Elder Jiminez. Only the first day so I'm not sure how I feel about them yet. I don't exactly approve of all their decisions. But like I said, it's only the first day and I'm determined to love them. I can definitely see how companion unity is a must. We haven't really done anything as just a companionship yet, but I can see how important it is.

Now, down to business ... I completely forgot to pack my tennis shoes. Was planning on it, but forgot. It's kinda funny, my zone leader did the same exact thing. I do need them for gym time and P-day. There are some shoe boxes in my room you can send them in. Please and thank you! Oh, and don't be too harsh in your criticism over this. We just had to laugh over him forgetting his shoes because this is at least the third time he has gone on a long trip and forgotten his shoes. At least that's all I forgot, I think. I need them sent ASAP!

I really do feel like this is where I'm supposed to be now. The Spirit is strong here. I really hope everyone is doing ok with me being gone.

Love you guys!
Elder Blomquist


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