Been another week. Elder Witbeck rolled his ankle last week on pday, so we spent a few days inside. It's not been too bad though, we found 3 new people to teach this week. This area needs that bad. But it feels like I've forgotten how to teach. We've spent most of our days contacting, so my door approaches have gotten better, but teaching is a new concept now = P . But it's all good, such is life. Some areas are good, some need to be worked till they are.
This week feels like it's gone by so fast, they all seem that way. Was realizing last night that \I've only got 4 transfers left... Where is all the time going? I've been getting trunky. It's a new kind of feeling. All throughout you get those trunky moments, but it's nothing like this. IT's that "ready to come home feeling". But more than just being ready to come home, it's that it's actually becoming a reality. When I was out 3-10 months it was just like, "yeah, that would be nice, but it's so far away". Now at 18 it's like, "dang, that's close". I'm still out and working and all that, but it's coming close.
So there's been a change in email policy for missionaries, now friends can email as well. We've been given more time to email as well. So anyone who write me can now do so by email and I can write back. (
Ricky's e-mail is It's actually pretty neat, since I've not been much to writing letters.
Let's see, what else? Guess I'm not much for writing emails either. I've been sitting over this one for almost 2 hours now = P
New missions coming soon! I hope I stay in the Nampa mission. (His mission area is splitting in two to create a new mission.) All my friends are there. It's exciting, as are the transfers in 2 weeks.
well, that's all for this week, gotta run now.
Take care!
Elder Blomquist